Aquatic Ape 1 - Documentary (Discovery Channel/BBC 1998) | Documentary TV - Documentaries Online
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Aquatic Ape 1 - Documentary (Discovery Channel/BBC 1998)

Aquatic Ape 1 - Documentary (Discovery Channel/BBC 1998)
Amazing documentary exposing a new theory in human evolution.
That is the Aquatic Ape Theory (AAT) developed by Elaine Morgan.
This theory offers an alternative scenario from that of the ape that goes down from the tree and into the savannah. It suggests that when our ancestors moved onto the savannah they were already different from the apes; that nakedness, bipedalism, and other modifications had begun to evolve much earlier, when the ape and human lines first diverged. The aquatic ape theory points out that most of the "enigmatic" features of human physiology, though rare or even unique among land mammals, are common in aquatic ones. If we postulate that our earliest ancestors had found themselves living for a prolonged period in a flooded, semi-aquatic habitat, most of the unsolved problems become much easier to unravel.
Executive producer Moira Mann, narrated by Andrew Sachs.


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