documentaries online

The Documentary Film. Online Documentaries

BBC documentary Pyramids - How they were built

BBC documentary Pyramids - How they were built
The process of construction of the Egyptian Pyramids, the greates engineer constructions in the ancient world. The people who worked on the construction ans the master minds who conceive this great structures.

Composer Harry Partch - BBC Documentary

Composer Harry Partch - BBC Documentary
The breaktrough musician Harry Partch who invented his own compositional method using a 43-tone scale and many instruments that he built by hand.

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
Documentary about the philadelphia experiment from the History Channel series Historys Mysteries. This digg into the mystery of the Philadelphia Experiment, a electromagnetic experiment devised by the US Navy to occult a ship from the enemy that might have result in a interdimensional travel.

Discovery - First Time Machine

Discovery - First Time Machine
A clip from the discovery documentary First Time Machine. A introduction to the Physics necessary to travel in time.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

The Crisis of Credit Visualized
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis in this simple to understand video animation.

Alexander the Great Documentary

Alexander the Great Documentary
The history of the greatest conqueror of all time: Alexander the Great. Documentary of the BBC about the Macedonian who ruled the ancient world, and created the vastest empire the world have ever seen.

BBC: The Boer War

BBC: The Boer War
Documentary about the conflicts of the Boers in South Africa between British and Dutch over the territories they control in that moment in the history of this African country.

BBC Documentary: The Birth Of Israel

BBC Documentary: The Birth Of Israel
Documentary about the historical creation of a Jewish state in 1948 when Britain recognize Israel in the Palestinian territories leading up to the Israeli war of Independence in 1949.
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