The Documentary Film. Online Documentaries
A collection of images from the Colfd War Nuclear Hysteria in the USA.
Discovery Documentary about the last tomb of Jesus, produced by James Cameron the director of the Terminator Saga and of the Abyss.
A documentarie about the revolution in Venezuela led by former coronel Hugo Chavez Frias.
A really good documentary on the problems of oil and the urban planning of the US cities.
A very interesting documentary about the History of Video Games from the Atari 2600 to the Nintendo and the last consoles.
Documentary about the history of hacking and the hackers.
EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby. With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests. There are many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting. EARTHLINGS cries to be seen.
Documentary on the life of William S. Burroughs. (1984)
William S. Burroughs (1914-1997) is a legendary figure of the North American Literature of this century, a writer compared with Trillion, Rimbaud and Genet. As much their life as their work, of a total pesimism and a shady sense of humor, reflects an attitude of permanent rebellion against the conventional society. Homosexual, drug addict during many years, friend and idol of Kerouac and Ginsberg, considers the great “gurĂº” of the generation beat, in spite of his refusal to be including in it.
BBC Inside Iran with Rageh Omar
BBCs Rageh Omaar embarks on a unique journey inside Iran, a nation he describes as one of the most misunderstood countries in the world, looking at the country through the eyes of people rarely heard - ordinary Iranians.
Joost is one new application that allow users to wath almost hundreds of online TV channels. The videos you get here are in fairly good quality. At the moment there are 28 channels of documentary.
Usin joost you can acces a great deal of new and classidc documentaries, also various new and independent films.

The acclaimed documentary of PBS about the Bush war on Irak. A must see.

Docuemtary about the new generation of kids that have grown spending most of their free time online.
A documentary of New York graffiti filmed on the streets of New York City in 1983. Presented by Tony Silver & Henry Chalfant.
FRED HAMPTON black panther party documentary
Broadcaster and journalist Jon Ronson encounters one of Britain’s most infamous media figures as he continues his search to uncover the ... todos » truth behind who – or what – is really controlling the world. Tonight Ronson joins David Icke on a lecture tour that takes the ex-sports broadcaster headlong into controversy as his extraordinary views dismay his detractors and inspire his audiences, providing a fascinating insight into extremists – and how the public responds to them.
The programme explores how those in power in post-war America used Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses. ... todos » Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying premise - that deep within all human beings were dangerous and irrational desires and fears. They were convinced that it was the unleashing of these instincts that had led to the barbarism of Nazi Germany. To stop it ever happening again they set out to find ways to control this hidden enemy within the human mind.
Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna, and his nephew, Edward Bernays, provided the centrepiece philosophy. The US government, big business, and the CIA used their ideas to develop techniques to manage and control the minds of the American people. But this was not a cynical exercise in manipulation. Those in power believed that the only way to make democracy work and create a stable society was to repress the savage barbarism that lurked just under the surface of normal American life.
Adam Curtis' acclaimed series examines the rise of the all-consuming self against the backdrop of the Freud ... todos » dynasty.
To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
The Freud dynasty is at the heart of this compelling social history. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Edward Bernays, who invented public relations; Anna Freud, Sigmund's devoted daughter; and present-day PR guru and Sigmund's great grandson, Matthew Freud.
Sigmund Freud's work into the bubbling and murky world of the subconscious changed the world. By introducing a technique to probe the unconscious mind, Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society's belief that the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness is man's ultimate goal
part 1
part 2
The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom is a BBC documentary series by English filmmaker Adam Curtis.
Animated Documentary-Mockumentary about Evil in western civilization from Ancient Greece to present day.
The War On Democracy is a powerful new documentary from award winning journalist and film-maker John Pilger.
Award-winning documentary maker John Pilger suggests that, far from bringing
democracy to the world as it claims, the US is doing its best to stifle its progress.
Talking exclusively to American government officials, including agents who reveal for the first
time on film how the CIA ran its war in Latin America in the 80s, Pilger argues that true popular
democracy is more likely to be found among the poorest in Latin America, whose movements are often
ignored in the West.
Part 1
The excelent BBC Documentary by P. Watkins.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
A couple of weeks ago Michael Arrington got tog...
Added: August 10, 2006
A couple of weeks ago Michael Arrington got together with a number of startup CEOs and executives to video a discussion about Web 2.0. Participating in the discussion were Aaron Cohen (Bolt), Scott Milener and Steven Lurie (Browster), Keith Teare (edgeio), Steven Marder (Eurekster), Joe Kraus (JotSpot), Jeremy Verba (Piczo), Auren Hoffman (Rapleaf), Chris Alden (Rojo), Gautam Godhwani (Simply Hired), Jonathan Abrams (Socializr), David Sifry (Technorati), Matt Sanchez (Video Egg) and Michael Tanne (Wink).
The topics discussed included:
What is Web 2.0?
Are we in a bubble?
What are the business models that will work on the web today?
What is the role of publishers in a user generated world?
How important and how big is the early adopter crowd?
On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television (ARTE – French-German cultural tv channel) by French journalist and film ... todos » maker Marie-Monique Robin, The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.
Part two of a 1986 Velvet Underground documentary.
Part one of a 1986 Velvet Underground documentary
A DOC on the rapper game's daily life in Compton,California.
40 highly credible featured interviewees, from major airline pilots to Navy Pilots to established journalists to US Air Force Colonels, this film carries with it a powerful magnitude of credibility not seen since the 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference
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