documentaries online

The Documentary Film. Online Documentaries

Pyramid - The Last Secret - BBC Timewatch

Pyramid - The Last Secret - BBC Timewatch
This documentary is based on the theory of a French architect that have developed a new theory on the way that ancient Egyptians manage to construct the ancient pyramids of Gizeh. It is a totally radical new theory that confronts past visions on this construction process. The architect Jean-Pierre Houdin analyze the evidence about the existence of a external ramp or cranes to lift the stones to build the pyramid and found that they are not plausible. According to Houdin, the blocks were raised via an internal ramp.

Secret Of The Pyramids

Secret Of The Pyramids - Documentary
New theories and discoverys bring new lights onto the great pyramid of Egypt. The supposedly tomb of the pharaoh KuFu has been an enigmatic monument all along the human history. Man fears time but the time fears the pyramids.
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